30 June Delighted that one of my The Home Front images + article has been published online in the E-Crini (University of Nantes, France) Journée d’études “The American and British Nations in Contemporary Landscape Photography” http://www.crini.univ-nantes.fr/1467114057832/0/fiche___pagelibre/&RH=1467100042469
22 June I was invited by Dr. Pratap Rughani, documentary film maker and MA Course leader at London College of Communication, University of the Arts London, to discuss the ‘fine cut’ of my gallery piece/film Standing By with MA Filmmaking. This is a very personal piece about my parents, shortly to go out into the world. Very interesting morning…
As I’m a mentor for FOTODOCUMENT, I made my first contact with the photographer Ana Caroline de Lima, who won one of the FOTODOCUMENT commissions. Looking forward to seeing the results of her work!
8-10 June returned to Dublin to see the excellent DIT BA Photography Degree show held at Gallery of Photography, Dublin, and review the work as external examiner. Again, a wonderful visit to DIT & Dublin.